Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

A collection of poems

Salah satu film indonesia yang cukup fenomenal adalah AADC yang tayang di bioskop sekitar tahun 2001-2002. Pada saat itu, tiba-tiba banyak remaja berduyun-duyun menjadi pujangga dadakan, termasuk saya di dalamnya. Mereka dan saya terinspirasi dari film ini yang berhasil mengeluarkan puisi dari lemari perpustakaan yang tak tersentuh ke atas panggung anak muda yang penuh sorot cahaya.

Ada beberapa puisi dari film AADC yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Dan saya pikir cukup menarik untuk ditampilkan di sini:

What's up with Love?
A woman comes in the name of love
A mother leaves because of love
Suffused with an orange poison
your face is like moon sound asleep in your heart
Walled in by darkness and cold

What is the matter of them?
Leaving one's heart to be scorned
And for once I witness heaven's work
Through the eyes of Eve

What's wrong with love?
And I will surely return when the moon is full
To ask again of her love
Not for her, not for everyone
But for myself, because I want you
And that is all

About Someone
I run to the forest then I sing
I run to the beach and shout out loud
It is so quiet
I hate being quiet and alone

I want to be noisy
I want to be at market
I'm bored with being tired
I want to get rid of you, darkness
I feel covered with soot if I'm alone

Just break the glass to make a noise
Let them howl, until there is a tumult
I can see an angel weaving a striped spider's web on the wall of a white palace
Why not just swing the bell, until it winces
Or should I run to the forest, turn to the beach

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